This year at the SolarPACES 2023 conference in Sydney, the voice and talent of underrepresented genders were heard!
For the first time, a gender identity question was added to the registration form, in order to establish gender statistics (left pie chart below). Around 14% of attendees declared themselves as women and non binary, 73% as men. 14% did not provide this information. Considering only declared gender identities (right pie chart below), 16% were of underrepresented genders and 84% were men.
Last year, the participation of women was estimated around 16% from the attendees list. The participation of underrepresented genders thus seems to remain stable, although this year the gender identity of a non-negligible part of the attendees is unknown. We hope that next year, more people will answer the gender question to have more reliable data.
It is worth noticing that with 25% of women speakers, the “Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Components” topic far exceeded the global participation of women to the conference.
Also this year, half of the topic track chairs were women, who in turn suggested more female session chairs.
Kudos ladies, we hope to see even more of you next year at SolarPACES 2024 in Italy!