HelioCon (Heliostat Consortium for Concentrating Solar-Thermal Power) regularly proposes seminar series as part of the Resources, Training, and Education topic area, led by Dr. Rebecca Mitchell (NREL). Some of these webinars feature women experts.
On November 15th at 11am-12pm MST (7-8 pm CET), Ms. Kyla Hampton and Ms. Courtney Jackson, Engineering Students at Clark Atlanta University and Northeastern University, will give a talk about “LSAMP Summer Experience: A Cleaning Mirror Assessment with Reflectance”. More information here.
On October 18th, Dr. Adriana Zurita, Senior Researcher and Project Manager at Tewer Engineering, conjointly with Marco Carrascosa, CEO, gave a seminar on “Calibration and Characterization Systems in Solar Concentration Plants: Field Expertise, Conclusions, and Lessons Learned“. Watch the replay here.
You can also check out past webinars, for instance the webinar on “Intern Projects in Heliostat Technologies at NREL, SNL” featuring Miriam Caron (NREL) and Madeline Hwang (SNL).
We also recommend the most essential webinar on “Mitigating Unconscious Bias in Work Teams” by Anelisa Simons, Manager of Inclusion, Diversity, Equal Employment, Opportunity and Affirmative Action at Sandia National Labs: video, flyer. Or how to counteract unconscious bias with conscious inclusion.