W+CS @ SolarPACES 2023

This year at the SolarPACES 2023 conference in Sydney, with the support of the organizing committee (thank you!), the Women+ in Concentrated Solar group was quite visible and active.

We presented our group and its activities during the opening session, including gender statistics on attendees. During the wrap-up closing session, female topic track chairs also showed gender statistics for reviewers, session chairs and presenting authors.

Many attendees of all genders visited our W+CS desk to meet us and offer their congratulations and support, and to pick up our collector pin badge and brochure.

Some attendees have joined our expert database (welcome!) and shared a drink with us during our informal networking happy hour!

Overall we are very happy with the positive feedback we got from you, dear attendees. It was a nice way to celebrate our first anniversary 🙂

Thank you all for your support, and see you next year in Italy for more events!

Happy International Women in Engineering Day 2023!

Happy International Women in Engineering Day! #INWED23

Women+ in Concentrated Solar supports women and underrepresented genders in the concentrated solar thermal sector, bringing visibility to their work and promoting them as speakers, chairs and decision-makers.

Join our expert database!

#InternationalWomenInEngineeringDay #womeninengineering #womeninstem #solarthermal #concentratedsolar

Virtual Network & Connect Events – March 2023 – Thank you!

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Women+ in Concentrated Solar organized the first global online networking events, with two time slots depending on your region. We met online with concentrated solar experts from all over the world.

At a glance

Rebecca Mitchell works at NREL on algorithms to determine error of heliostats and she is also creating a database on CSP education related materials. During the first networking event on March 9, 2023, she met with many CSP experts, who could provide her materials for her database. Also, Dr. Natalie Hanrieder from DLR works with meteorological data and kindly offered to share the collected data on DNI with other participants who do the simulation and modeling. A common ground was also generally acknowledged concerning the challenges of promoting concentrated solar thermal technologies in our respective countries.

These are just a few examples of successful matchmaking and connections during these two networking events, where more than 30 members of the concentrated solar community, from all around the world (Europe, Americas, Africa and Asia), got to know one another and had a chance to talk about their work and interests. These networking events were a great opportunity to establish international collaborations, learn more about the current work of colleagues and find useful connections.

We also discussed about your interests in possible future actions of our Women+ in Concentrated solar group. Thank you, we’ll take them under consideration, we are already working on it! If you want to tell us more or help us, you can answer our survey.

Thank you!

Thank you everyone who joined these two Networking Events of Women+ in Concentrated Solar! We were very pleased to meet all of you and have some time to chat about our work and possible connections. It was amazing and inspiring to hear all your stories. This is already helping us to create a women and underrepresented genders network to connect and support one another!

We are already planning our next event, so remember to follow us on social media and subscribe to our newsletter to not miss anything. See you soon!

You can also become a member of our network. All gender identities are welcome!

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