Newsletter #4

June 2023

Happy summer solstice!


Women+CS promotes women at SolarPACES 2023

Women+ in CS is involved in SolarPACES 2023 organizing committee and promotes the involvement of our members as track chairs and session chairs from our expert database:

This year for the first time, half of the topic track chairs will be women!

We are also preparing Women+ in CS side events with the support of SolarPACES, to provide more networking opportunities for you. Stay tuned!

Our first Women+CS webinar was a success!

Almost 100 people joined our first webinar on thermal energy storage presented by five female specialists of our community. Thanks to you and ATA Insights, it was a real success, bringing many people together and giving visibility to women speakers in the field!

Esther Rojas is RENMAD Storage Star of May!

Following our webinar where she acted as keynote speaker, our active member Esther Rojas, Senior Researcher at PSA-CIEMAT, won the RENMAD Storage Star of the month of May. Congratulations Esther!

Women+CS at CSP conference in China

We were represented by our co-founder Alina Gilmanova from Cosin Solar at this event cosponsored by CSPPlaza & Cosin Solar, to reach concentrated solar professionals in Asia and give them more international visibility.

Women+CS at Women Energize Women conference

This conference in Munich on June 15 gathered participants from across the globe for discussion rounds, workshops and other innovative formats on energy and gender topics with exclusively female speakers.

Women+ in CS was represented there by our member Natalie Hanrieder from DLR.

Complete your profile to become our next speaker!

For our first webinar we selected speakers from our expert database, based on the fields of expertise you have declared. If you have not done it yet, don't forget to complete your member profile with your job position, fields of expertise, etc. You could become one of our next speakers in upcoming events, to bring more visibility to your work and start new collaborations! We could also promote you to decision-makers for external events.

We need your help!

Thanks to SolarPACES financial support, we are also preparing new materials with a designer, to better spread the word about our group. We would greatly appreciate if you could share your pictures and VIDEOS related to women and underrepresented genders in concentrated solar (research, technical work, teaching, etc.) that could be featured in our new materials. Thank you in advance!
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